NOVEL- The Invisible Man CH28 The Hunter Hunted (Important Question Answers)
Question 1: How did Mr Heelas believe the existence of the invisible man in the village?
Answer: Mr Heelas was asleep in his villa when the siege of his nearest neighbour, Kemp’s house began. He slept through the smashing of the windows, and then woke up suddenly. He looked across at Kemp’s house. Every window was broken. As he stood wondering, the shutters of the drawing-room, window were flung open violently, and the housemaid appeared struggling in a frantic manner. Suddenly Dr. Kemp appeared by her side. Mr Heelas saw Kemp stand on the sill, spring from the window, and stoop and run like a man who evades observation. In a second he was running at a tremendous pace down the slope towards Heelas. It was there that Mr Heelas struck with an idea that it was the invisible man who was after the life of Dr Kemp. Mr Heelas shouted like a bull to close all the doors and windows of his house so that Dr. Kemp could not made an entry, along with the invisible man, to his house.
Question 2: How did the invisible man, Mr. Griffin, meet his end?
Answer: Kemp continued running towards Port Burdock. The road was long and empty, and no one in the nearby houses would help him. “When kemp arrived in Burdock, he found a couple of labourers on the road. When he yelled about the invisible man, everyone nearby tried to find and hit the invisible man with shovels. When the invisible man grabbed Kemp, the labourers knocked the invisible man down. It was a big fight between the crowd and the invisible man. There was some savage kicking. Then suddenly a wild ; scream of ‘Mercy! Mercy!’ that died down swiftly to a sound like choking. Kemp tried to get people off of Griffin. But the invisible man was not breathing and possibly dead. Everyone around crowded to see what had happened, and slowly the invisible man started becoming visible as a naked man. One could see his crushed chest and broken shoulders, and the dim outline of his drawn and battered features.
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