NOVEL- The Invisible Man CH24 The Plan That Failed (Summary)



Kemp sees some people coming up the hill to his house, so he tries to keep Griffin talking. Griffin says he had  planned to go someplace warm, like South America, where he wouldn’t have to wear clothes (at least not during spring break).But since he met Kemp, he’s changed his plans. Griffin now realises how little one person can do on his own.

Invisibility is especially useful for killing people, so Griffin plans to establish a new Reign of Terror – with Kemp’s help, of course. First, though, he needs to get his books back from Marvel, who is locked up at the jail for his own safety. Suddenly, Griffin hears some people sneaking up in the house, and he realises that Kemp has betrayed him. Sad and angry, Griffin takes off his clothes.

Kemp tries to capture Griffin with the help of the three men, including Colonel Adye, the police captain who got Kemp’s letter. Griffin pushes past them with as much violence as he can and escapes.
