NOVEL- The Invisible Man CH21 In Oxford Street (Important Question Answers)



Question 1: Describe what did Griffin experience while getting downstairs.
Answer: While going downstairs Griffin experienced an unexpected difficulty. He, because of his invisibility was not able to see his feet, as a result he could not put his steps at right places on the staircase, as a result of which he stumbled not once but twice. He was also not able to hold the latch and hence, was not able to bolt the door with strength. He felt an unaccustomed clumsiness in gripping the bolt.

Question 2: Why was the invisible man, Griffin fearful of dogs?
Answer: While running Griffin had an event with dogs. Though no men were able to detect him because of his invisibility, yet the dogs were able to detect him by virtue of their olfactory (smelling) sense of nose. Even though they were not able to see him, they barked at him and leapt over him. He was, therefore, afraid of dogs that he might be detected by them by their smelling sense.

Question 3:
How did Griffin manage to stop six to seven persons from following him?
Answer: Griffin was barefoot when he left his lodging. While leaving he ran over white steps of a house and stood there until the entire procession of salvation Army passed by. As a result, his feet were creating footmarks and some people were able to detect this and were astonished. They followed him using his footmarks. As soon as he observed that these people were following him with the help of the white foot marks created by his barefeet, twice he moved across the corners and thrice he crossed the road and returned to mislead them and with the feet growing hotter and drier, the damp impression gradually faded away and lastly he cleaned his feet with hands to wipe it out completely.

Question 4: What left the people amazed and diverting their attention from him?
Answer: Griffin had completely exhausted while running. All his energy had oozed out. He had stiff back and sore on one foot. As a result he was limping also. While moving ahead he saw a blind man approaching him. Because of the natural intuition of the blind man, he feared that he might be defected by the blindman as a result, even limping, he ran speedily and while doing so he collided with two or three people. People were therefore amazed who collided with them as no one was visible.
