BOOK2 CH10 Transport And Communication (Summary)




Transport is a facility or a service for the carriage of persons and goods from one place to another using humans, animals and different kinds of vehicles. It is an organised service industry that handles loading, unloading and delivery.

Modes of Transportation

The main modes of transportation are land, water, air and pipelines. These are used for inter-regional
and intra-regional transport, and each one (except pipelines) carries both passengers and goods.
Several places (nodes) join together by a series of routes (links) to form a pattern is called transport

Land Transport
This includes movement of goods and services over land i.e. roads and rails. Earlier humans themselves were carriers such as in palanquin (palki or doli), later pack animals such as mules, horses, camels were used. Dogs and reindeers were used in North America. In India, bullocks were used to pull carts. The revolution came after invention of steam engine in 18th century that started railways and roadways with the invention of internal combustion engines.
Among the new means of land transport are pipelines, ropeways and cableways. Rope and cableways are generally found on steep mountain slopes and mines, which are not suitable for building roads.

Water Transport 

Water transport is the cheapest means of transport for carrying heavy and bulky material as well as passenger services. It is a fuel effivient. and eco freindely mode of transport. The water transport is of two types:

(i) Inland Waterways
(ii) Oceanic Waterways

Air Transportation 

Air transport facilitates the fastest movement of goods and passenger from one place to another place. It is good for long distance and areas which have uneven terrain and climatic condition. Air transport in India was started in 1911 with a short distance, (10 km) airmail operation from Allahabad to Naini

The Airport authority of India is responsible for providing safe, efficient air traffic and aeronautical communication services in the Indian Air space. Now it manages 126 airports including 11 international, 86 domestic and 29  civil enclaves at defence air flieds.

There are two corporations, Air India and Indian Airlines which manage air transport in India. Both corporation were nationalised in 1953. Now many private companies have also started passenger services.

It is most economical for short distance and gaining importance for freight transport due to its door to door service. Metalled roads are all weather roads while unmetalled roads are not serviceable in all seasons due to their simple construction. Though heavy rains and

Road Density
1.The total motorable road length of the world is only about 15 million km, in which North America
separately accounted 33%. Although, North America in compare to Western Europe registered highest
number of vehicles as well as highest road density.
2.Road density is the total length of roads per hundred square kilometre of area.

Traffic Flows
It refers to traffic on roads that has in recent years. As the road network cannot cope with the demands of traffic, so congestion occurs.

National Highways 
  • NH referred to roads which are constructed and  maintained by central government.
  • National Highways are meant for inter state transport and movement of defence men and material in strategic areas.
  • In 2008-09, total length of National Highways was 70934 km which was 19700 km in 1951.
  • These highways connect the state capitals, major cities, important ports, railways junctions, etc and carry about 40% of the road traffic despite they constitute on;y 1.67% of the total road length.
  • The National Highways Authority of India (NHAI - 1995) is an autonomous body, under the Ministry of Surface Transport which is entrusted with the responsibility of development, maintenance, operation and for the improvement of the quality of National Highways.
National Highways Development Projects

Golden Quadrilateral - It is 5846 km long 4/6 lane high density corridor. It was meant to connect India's four big metro cities of Delhi - Mumbai - Chennai - Kolkata. It will deduct the time - distance and cost of movement among the mega cities of India. Its construction help in reducing the time distance and cost of movement among mega cities considerably.

North - South and East - West Corridors  - The North - South  corridor is a 4076 km long highway which is meant to connect Srinagar in Jammu and Kashmir with Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu including Kochchi - Salem Spur. The East - west corridor is 3640 km long road which aims to connect Silchar in Assam with the port town of Porbandar in Gujrati.

Inter- Continental Air Routes
USA accounts for 60% of airways of the world. Important cities are nodal points where air routes converge or radiate to all continents. Africa, Asiatic part of Russia and South America lack air services, sparser population or limited landmass or low economic development.

These are used to transport water, petroleum, natural gas, liquidi􀂦ed coal for an uninterrupted 􀂧ow. Milk is supplied through pipelines in New Zealand. USA has dense network of pipelines. Big Inch is famous pipeline of USA that transports petroleum from the oil wells of the Gulf of Mexico to the North-Eastern states. In Europe, Russia, West Asia and India, oil wells are linked to refineries through pipelines.

Long distance communication in the form of telegraph and telephone are important. In mid-19th century, American Telegraph and Telephone company (AT&T) enjoyed monopoly. In developing countries the use of cell phones has gained importance for rural connectivity. Latest technology developments have resulted in Optical Fibre Cables (OFC). They allow large quantities of
data to be transmitted that are virtually error free. Now the telecommunication merged with computers to form integrated networks termed as Internet.

Satellite Communication In India

Artificial satellites are deployed in Earth’s orbit to enhance communication and improve connectivity. This is satellite communication which has reduced the per unit cost and time of communication also.

India developed its own satellite Aryabhatta and launched it on 19th April, 1979, Bhaskar -I in 1979 and Rohini in 1979 and Rohini in 1980. Bhaskar, challenge and INSAT - IB satellites are used for long distance communication and weather forecasting.

Television (TV)

  • Television (TV) broadcasting has emerged as the most effective audio - visual medium for disseminating information and educating masses.
  • First television broadcasting was started in National Capital in 1959. Till 1972, it was the only urbane place where tv series were available.
  • After 1972, several other centers became operational. In 1976, Tv broadcasting services were separated by All India Radio and got a separate identity as Doordarshan (DD).
  • Its revolutionary development began after that the launch of INSAT - IA (National Television - D1) when Common National Programmes (CNP) were started for the entire network and its services were extended to the backward and remote rural Areas.  
