BOOK1 CH6 Secondary Activities (Important Question Answer)





Q -1 Which is the most important industrial complex of Europe? 
Ans. Rhine valley region is the most important industrial complex of Europe. 

Q-2 Why did manufacturing decline in advance economies?
 Ans. The emergence of tertiary and quaternary occupation has declined the importance of manufacturing in advance economies. 

Q-3 Give two example each of basic & consumer goods industries. 
Ans. A. (i) Basic industries – Iron and steel and machine tools B. 
(ii) Consumer industries –Soap and tea.

Q-4 What is meant by deindustrialization? 
Ans. Decline of manufacturing industries is called deindustrialization. 

Q-5 What is meant by petrochemical industries ? 
Ans. Petrol chemical industries are based on coal, natural gas and petroleum.


Q-1 Distinguish between heavy chemical and petro chemical Industires.
 Ans - Heavy chemical industries – Chemical Substance Which are dependent on minerals and industial by products are known as heavy chemical industries i.e sulphuric acid, Hydrochloric Acid. 

Petro Chemical Industries - The substances/Extracts which are dependent on coal, Natural Gas and Petroleum included in Petro Chemical Industries i.e Fertilizers, Plastic Polymers etc.

Q-2 Why is iron and steel industry called a basic industry ? 
Ans. The iron and steel industry forms the base of all other industries and there fore ,it is called basic industry. It is basic because it provides row material for other industries such as machine tools used for further production . 

Q-3 Why are developing countries less industrialised ? 
Ans. Manufacturing industries need more capital and the products in such industries require huge markets for the consumption of their products. In developing countries the scarcity of capital some where reduces the demand and purchasing power of people .Hence we find less industrial progress in developing countries. 

Q-4 Distinguish between metallic industries & non-metalic industries. 
Ans. In metallic industries & non-metallic industries different minerals are used as row material metallic minerals are of two type – (i)- Ferrous
(ii)non Ferrous. Nonmetallic industries – these industries are based on nonmetallic minerals i.e. coal, petroleum Sulfur etc.

Q-5 Distinguish between public sector and private sector industries. 
Ans. Public sector industries: - 
(I) Public sector industries are owned either by govt. or govt. undertaking. 
(II) The production and trade are controlled by govt. 
(III) Govt. invests capital in these industries and these are large scale industries i.e. Bhilai iron and steel plant.

Private sector industries: - 
(i) These industries are owned either by a person or persons or by a company. 
(ii) The concerned person or company holds the control of the industry.
(iii) These industries invest personal capital and these are all type small and medium to big industries.,i.e. Tata ,Bata etc.


Q-7 Explain why high-tech industries in many countries are being attracted to the peripheral areas of major metropolitan centres. 
Ans - Following are the reasons to attract the high tech industries or technological park to the peripherical areas of major metropolitan cities 
- Light industries, which do not use raw materials but component parts. 
- More prospective for future development because extance land available,in peripheral area. 
- Coast of land is generally limited in the peripheral area. 
- Transport facilites are accesable through link and ring road to the peripheral area. 
- Polution free environment are additional benefits in peripheral areas 
- Cheap and abudant labour supply from the nobouring residential areas.
