PART2 CH5 Through The Eyes Of Travellers (Important Question Answer)




Q1 Name any two travellers who came India during the medieval period (11th to 17th C)?   Ans. 1. Al Biruni (11th Century) from Uzbekist
          2. Ibn-Battuta (14th Century ) from North western Africa, Morocco.
         3. Francois Bernier (17th Century) from France
Q.2 What was the Al-Biruni’s objective to came India?          
 (1) To help those who want to discuss religious questions with them.
(2) As a repertory of information to those who want to associate with them.
Q.3 Do you think Al-Biruni depended only on Sanskrit texts for his information and understanding of Indian society?            
. Yes, Al-Biruni depended almost exclusively on the work of Brahmanas, often citing passages from the Vedas the Purana, the Bhagavad Gita the works of Patanjali the
Manusmriti etc., to provide an understanding of Indian society.
Q.4 Name the Plants found in India which amazed Ibn-Battuta.           
. Coconut – He wrote that the nuts of coconut resembles a man’s head.
Paan – He wrote about Paan that the betel has no fruit and is grown only for the sake of his leaves.
Q5. What was the more complex social reality which Bernier’s notice in the Mughal Empire?           
(i) He felt that artisans had not incentive to improve the quality of their manufacturers because profits were appropriated by the state. Thus production was on the verge of
(ii) At the same time, he conceded that vast quantities of the world’s precious metals (gold & silver) flowed into India in exporting manufactures.
Q.6 What were the “barriers” discussed by Al-Biruni that obstructed him in understanding India?            
 Following were the barriers he faced in understanding India –
1. Problems of Language – According to him, Sanskrit was so different from Arabic and Persian that ideas and concept could not be easily translated from one language.
2. Difference of religion beliefs and practices – He was Muslim and his religious beliefs and practices were quit different from India.
3. Self-absorption and insularity of the local population - According to him the third barrier was the isolation policy of the Indians.  
Q7. According to Bernier, What were the evils-effects of the crown ownership of land?          
Ans. (1) Absence of ownership of land, landholders could not pass on their land to their children. Thus they didn’t take any interest in increasing production.
(2) It prevented the emergence of the “improving” landlords.
(3) It led to the ruination of agriculture.
(4) It brought a continuous decline in the living standard of all sections of society.
(5) It led to the excessive oppression of the peasantry.
Q8. What did Bernier write about the Sati system?          
 (i) It was a cruel practice in which the widow was made to sit on the pyre of herhusband alive.
(ii) She was forced to be sati.
(iii) The people had no sympathy even for the child widows.
(iv) The cries of the women going to be a sati did not move anyone.
(v) The Brahmans and the elderly women of the house participated in this practice.
Q9. Who wrote ‘Kitab-ul-Hind’? Throw light in its main features?          
 The book ‘Kitab-ul-Hind’ was written by Al-Biruni.
Its main features are –
1. It is written in Arabic.
2. Its language is simple and lucid.
3. It is written on the subject such as regional, philosophy, astronomy, social life, laws etc.
4. It is divided into 80 chapters.
5. Each chapter begins with a question and than description have given based in sanskritic traditions.
Q10. Analyze the evidence for slavery provided Ibn-Battuta.          
Ans. According to Ibn-Battuta –

1. Slaves like any other commodity, were openly sold in the markets.
2. They were also regularly exchanged as gifts.
3. When Ibn-Battuta reached Sindh, he purchased horses, camels and slaves. He wanted to offer them as gifts to sultan Muhammad Bin Tuglaq.
4. When he reached to Multan, he presented salves and horses with almonds and raisins to the Governor of Multan.
5. Ibna-batuta says that Muhammad bin Tughlaq was so happy with the sermon of a preacher named Nasiruddin that he gave him”ahundred thousand tankas and
two hundred slaves.
6. The sultan employed female slaves in his service and also to keep a watch on his nobles.
7. The slaves were also engaged for domestic work. But they were given low wages.
8. Ibn-Battuta found their services particularly indispensable for carrying women and men on palanquins or dola.
9. It appears from Ibn-Battuta’s account that there was considerable differentiations among slaves.
10. Some female slaves in the service of the sultan were experts in music and dance.
This is Al-Biruni’s account of the system of varnas         
The highest caste are the Brahmana, of whom the books of the Hindus tell us that they were created from the head of Brahman. And as the Brahman is only another name for the force called nature, and the head is the highest part of the ……body, the Brahmana are the choice part of the whole genus. Therefore, the Hindus consider them as the very best of mankind.
The next caste are the Kshatriya who were created, as they say, from the shoulders and hands of Brahman.
Their degree is not much below that of the Brahmana. After them follow the Vaishya, who were created from the thigh of Brahman. The Sudra who were created from his feet.
Between the latter two classes there is no very great distance. Much, however, as these classes differ from each other, they live together in the same towns and villages, mixed
together in the same houses and lodgings.
