NOVEL- The Invisible Man CH 1 The Strange Man's Arrival (Summary)



CH1 - The Strange Man's Arrival


In early February it was biting cold. A stranger walked from Brambleshurst station with a little black, old-fashioned suitcase and came to an inn named ' Coach and horses'. He was a dog - tired. On reaching he wished to get some warmth to be given as snowflakes had settled down on his body. Mrs. Hall, the owner of the inn, found herself lucky to have a customer in winter time. He gave her some gold coins as an advance for the room. The room way cosy with burning fire. The stranger always looked out of the window. Mrs. Hall offered to dry his coat but he refused. He hid his face with a muffled and bandage head and he looked odd and strange in appearance. He did not prefer to get into a dialogue with her. She could not see his face because his forehead above his blue glasses was covered by a while bandage. Only his pink, peaked nose was visible.

Mrs.Hall thought that the guest must have met with a serious accident. She sympathized with him but he spoke nothing. Aloofness on the part of the stranger was upsetting. He told her that he wanted his luggage, lying at the station, brought to the inn. Mrs.Hall explained that it was a steep road down and risky. She still assured him that his luggage would be brought by tomorrow.

The visitor warned Mrs.Hall that he did not want anybody coming again and again to his room to disturb him. His snubs very much irritated Mrs.Hall. She kept quiet because she considered him a minting machine for her.

During his stay till early hours the stranger kept to his room, perhaps dozing and pacing the room for a new minutes. He was lost in himself.


For hindi summary visit this video


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